Internet TV Video Games

Ellen DeGeneres: Be My WeTopia Neighbor! (Secret Code Revealed)

Okay, so you’re probably here because you play WeTopia on Facebook.  If not, you should check out WeTopia.  It’s a free game, similar to the very popular FarmVille, but the good thing about this game is that you get to give back to the needy.  For example, when you play the game and collect ‘Joy’ you can than send that joy to a charity foundation in Haiti which will provide food, shelter, and water to the people that were effected by the earthquake a few years ago.

So, what does this have to do with Ellen DeGeneres?  Well, since Ellen is such a ‘generes’ person (you like my qord play there), she has teamed up with WeTopia and has been giving hints on her show, which will allow you to enter a hidden code to become Ellen’s neighbor on WeTopia.  If you watch The Ellen Show, look out for the hidden code!

If you are too lazy to watch the show, (SPOILER ALERT), I have guessed the code correctly without even watching the show and have become neighbor’s with Ellen.

Code is: EllenTopia

Video Games

GTA V Multiplayer To Feature “Crews”

In a new interview with IGN focused on Max Payne 3, Dan Houser has revealed that GTA V’s multiplayer will support “Crews” that are to be introduced with Max Payne 3 and will be used in future Rockstar titles. Crews are essentially clan-like groups where you are rewarded for playing with other members of your crew and completing objectives together. You will also be matched with other people in your crew during matchmaking.

“The beauty of this system is that crews persist over time and across future games. Multiplayer is an ever-more important part of all our games moving forward. And by creating crews through Social Club, the crews that you create in Max Payne 3 will be ready and available for you to play in Grand Theft Auto V from day one. It’s all part of our larger approach to make multiplayer deeper and richer than what’s currently available, much more easily accessible to the newcomer and rewarding for the hardcore.”

The interview focuses on how crews will be used in Max Payne 3, but it gives an indication for how GTA V’s multiplayer may be affected by them. Read the full interview on IGN to get a better understanding of their purpose.

Video Games

World Premiere Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Reveal Trailer (VIDEO)

I didn’t really find this trailer to be as intense as the other CoD trailers.  At first, I wasn’t sure if I should believe that this was a legit trailer for the game to.  From the looks of it, this game will be very futuristic.  I felt as if this game, judging solely by the trailer, is like a big mash-up of a few videogames.  For example, the hovering spacecrafts, unarmed machines, and futuristic weapons remind me of a Mass Effect or Halo game.  The horse riding reminds me of Red Dead Redemption.  Yes, this is a CoD game, but it just seems like they went from World War 2, the Cold War and the Gulf War, to some futuristic war.  None the less, this game looks okay.  Will I buy it?  Probably.  I mean, it’s a CoD game.  I have bought them all.  I don’t care if it’s worse than the original Black Ops (which I happened to enjoy playing, very much), I just hope it’s much better than MW3.  That game sucked.

Entertainment Internet News Other TV Video Games

What’s Your Plan?

The recent explosion of Zombies in popular culture is impossible to deny. The Walking Dead is one of television’s hottest shows, and the book World War Z bu Max Brooks is being made into a feature length film. The CDC a few months back released a guide as to what you should do, with the same information as most government agencies: stay inside, and stay away from the infected.  Here’s a few tips and reminders to keep you safe in your house:

  1. Make it a fortress: Board your windows, but leave a little place to see outside as to what’s going on. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, you can always find a way to access your roof.
  2. Get rid of the stairs: If you live in a two story house, take everything from downstairs you need, get it upstairs, fill your tubs and sinks with water, bring a ladder, and wreck those stairs.
  3. Roof access: Try and stay off of it as to to not attract their attention, but a message or just going out to see what’s going on is a good idea every couple days, maybe even hours.

Now, lets say you and your friend live in an apartment. Most of the same principles apply. Just barricade your door, but try and keep in touch with the other people on your floor or throughout the building.

If you decide to make your stay long term, and you’re with a group of 3-4 (which is maximum) here’s what is recommended:

  • (3 quarts a day set aside for cooking and washing)
  • Hand pumped water filter
  • At least four replacement filters
  • Cistern, for collecting rain water
  • Iodine
  • Canned food (enough for three cans a day)
  • Portable electric stove
  • An advanced medical kit
  • Gas generator
  • Manual electric generator
  • Rechargeable batteries

While this list obviously isn’t full, it’s basic enough to get you going.A main thing as well, is to keep a loaded pack ready near your escape route in case your sanctuary is compromised. the next obvious piece of equipment is weaponry. While most would assume it’d be fine to just grab the first Uzi you see and start shredding away, that’s the wrong choice. What you want is a semi-automatic rifle with decent stopping power that you can easily pick targets with, as well as a sidearm and a melee weapon.

While it is unlikely that there will be an outbreak of any kind causing zombies to roam the earth, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared, always.

Fill out the form below, and send it back to us completed.  All entries will be uploaded onto this page.

Entertainment News Video Games

“Silent Hill” Causes “Urban Spelunking”

Have you ever watched a movie or played a game and thought, “Hey, that place looks awesome!”? Well, if you’ve ever played the game Silent Hill, and had that thought, your dreams can now come true, and you can die happy.

Centralia, Pennsylvania. Once a town with a population of about 1,000. Now, a ghost town. The towns major source of income was mining, but in 1962 an incident took place that  caused a fire to burn under the city. The atmosphere became more toxic than that of Saturn, and the town became inhabitable. In 2005, the population was a whopping 10. 10 people. Can you even imagine being there?

While this is the major and most popular “ghost town” in America, because of the Silent Hill games, there are many, many others just like it. An empty train station, an empty military fort, or an empty concrete factory (one of which I’ve actually attended, three times) these places are incredible to be at. It’s great to sit in the center of these areas and think about the history of it and all of the people that have been in that exact spot, perhaps thinking the same thing as you. <– there is a list of “urban spelunking” websites.

DISCLAIMER: While the exploration of empty or abandoned places can be interesting, it can also be dangerous or illegal. If you decide it is something you want to try out, make sure you use extreme caution and follow guidelines.

Video Games

15 Must-Have Videogames

In no particular order, here are 15 must-have videogames for 2011.

Batman: Arkham City (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (PS3)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (XBOX 360)

Saints Row: The Third (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)

Battlefield 3 (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 (XBOX 360, PS3, PC, Wii, 3DS, PSP, DS)

Mario Kart 7 (3DS)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Online (PC)

Lord of the Rings: War in the North (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

Need for Speed: The Run (XBOX 360, PS3, PC)

Entertainment Video Games

Battlefield 3 vs. MW3?

Undoubtedly, the Modern Warfare games have taken control of most kids from the ages of 8 to 30. However, the Battlefield series has most certainly become a prevalent saga in the last few years.

“MW3” seems to have become the epitome of a first person shooting game, though in reality is more of an individual game than realistic. Battlefield 3 depicts more of a simulation game based off of more realistic situations; not necessarily a better storyline, but the missions seem to make more sense, while MW3’s campaign is more or less running around and killing the “bad guys”. It leaves much for the gamer to decide; a more popular game where the shooter is more skill-based and mercenary minded, or a more realistic game where the gamer needs to work together in a squad to complete a more realistic mission while still adding in the “killing” factor?

Sports Video Games

NBA 2K13 Video Game Cover

Video Games

GTA V Official Trailer (HD)

Video Games

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Single Player Trailer

Wow.  I was doubting MW3, but it seems like it’s going to live up to its standards (for a little while).  I am sure that MW3 won’t disappoint, for the first few weeks, but after finishing the campaign and playing online for a few weeks, it’s not only going to get old, it’s going to get frustrated.  Every year it’s the same story.  CoD is great for a little while, but than it goes downhill.  Plus, right after they release MW3 they are going to announce that MW4 or Black Ops 2 will be coming out next summer.  I’m pretty pumped for the game, and I did pre-order it, so I will be going to the midnight release (most likely).